What are students saying?

Our Net Promoter Score of 83%

Made for students to increase learning outcomes, belonging and well-being.

What is NPS?

Net Promoter Score, which is essentially a customer happiness indicator, assesses customer satisfaction by figuring out what proportion of a business's customers would suggest its service to a friend or colleague. After that, this proportion is converted into a number between -100 and +100.

Is it good?

Any score above 0 in the range of -100 to +100 is considered good because it shows that a company has more promoters than detractors. Extremely Top-tier businesses typically have an NPS of 70 or higher in 2018, Netflix had an NPS of 64, PayPal had a score of 63, Amazon had a score of 54, Google had a score of 53, and Apple had a score of 49.

Why is Wavie's NPS so good?

We've always put students first. We give them what they want.

  • Ease of implementation

    "It was really easy and quick to access the help I needed and I liked the fact that I wasn't looking through 500 different links to get where I needed to be" - Student Feedback

  • Support.

    "...it has been a very easy system to use and the staff at Wavie have been very helpful and quick to respond to any queries" - Staff Feedback

  • Satisfaction.

    "I love the idea of wavie and how it can help people" - Student Feedback

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